Friday, February 18, 2022

A Level Portfolio Project: Initial Thoughts - Part 2

    SCREW IT!! I am going back to one of my other ideas from awhile ago that never saw any development outside of me thinking, "oH mAn I ThInK ThIs IdeA CooL." The idea is essentially about these two people hired to clean up bodies and one of them, he is very new to this, got into some trouble and now he is forced to do this. Thing is he doesn't handle these kinds of things well at all. The second guy is more just mellow and some-what annoyed with the first character. The main parts consist of their conversation in the car ride on the way to the cleaning spot and the actual spot where they are cleaning up the body. I figured it to be a comedy noir type film. I personally think that is an interesting combination so I am going to roll with it. 
    What does this mean? Means I can FINALLY DO SOME RESEARCH THAT CAN HELP ME THAT I AM NOT GOING TO BE STINGY ABOUT. So what is this then? Genre research thank god.

Neo Noir Films
I am going to start off with some examples of some well known neo noir films. I am putting these down because  I want to watch these movies they seem interesting, but more appropriately to this project I can watch them and look at their techniques and attitudes compared to other films so I can see how to more closely follow aspects of the genre I like.

    While there are many more kinds of neo-noir films I chose the ones I haven't seen that I think will most closely be like my piece. Anyway, the neo-noir genre, I actually had a surprisingly hard time trying to decide which movies to put down in this post because the neo noir genre is a little hard to pin down definitively, however there are some things that do remain consist and I going to talk about the aspects I think I will end up having in my piece.
    One of the most, if not the most important being how the main character or characters are. These characters are always heavily flawed, most notably in their morality and by extension the questionable reason behind many of their actions. Some of the neo-noir movies I have seen where this is especially prevalent is Leonard in Memento, the Protagonist in Drive, and the main character of Shutter Island who's name I forgot. A lot of the time we are unsure whether we can trust them or not. It can be different every time, for Leonard it was more about the story itself and with the Protagonist of Drive it was with other characters that were often with him.
    Another thing the genre does is a contrast between the light and dark stuff. I am being vague because I mean that thematically, for actions in the story and for the actual lighting and look of the film. I mean just look at the poster and the majority of Sin City, I haven't seen it yet but I know what it looks like. Actually, look at all the posters I put there, they all fit somehow into this idea.
    The other things that are included are the femme fatal and super complex plot, neither of which I believe I am going to contain so I won't touch on them to much.


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Final Posts - Part 3

     For this stuff I actually kind of like the postcard, even though it is simple I feel it fits with the general vibe of the short film, a...