Saturday, March 27, 2021

Portfolio Project Fourth Reflection: Prop Creation

     My opening does have few props that are pretty important but I luckily didn't have to do much to get them all. The most of the props used were items that I already had. The knife that falls from one of the characters' pockets is a practice butterfly knife I borrowed from my brother because I forgot where mine was. The phone that the assassin uses is just my friends phone that he held for a few shots. Then there were the two, but actually three props we didn't have.

    The first was that a bag of chips was needed since there were a few lines mentioning it. We didn't have this when we started shooting because we forgot about it so my father ran out and got two for us. I asked for two because we had just taped my phone to the tripod and decided to shoot out of order so that I wouldn't have to reapply the tape to it. Since we shot out of order I would need the second bag for the opening shoot which has a closed bag but the rest of the shots had an open one.

    Lastly the was the big prop that was heavily focused on throughout the opening, even if it was out of focus most of its shots. The cup where the blood falls in. This was the most exciting and most nerve-racking prop. The first part of it was easy, we bought some clear plastic cups and on the day filled it with water. The actual blood was the hard part. We bought some liquid red food coloring that we would drop into the water which is how the blood was done. We practiced this a few times to see how it would fall before actually shooting the shot. 

    One small thing is that I realized the placement of the cup on the table made it so there would be no logical way blood would fall in but I liked the shot so its still gonna be there.

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Final Posts - Part 3

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